After more than forty years uninterrupted service Alan Carpenter has retired from Cheltenham Surfacing. Alan joined as a roller driver, with experience of motorway construction. He will be sorely missed for his ability as a roller driver and his down to earth attitude in carrying out his daily duties.
Barry Taylor commented on behalf of Cheltenham Surfacing “We are fortunate at Cheltenham Surfacing to have an excellent team of very experienced employees. We carry out regular customer satisfaction surveys and our workforce score very highly for the quality of their workmanship. To work for one firm for more than 40 years is very rare in this day and age and we would like to Alan for all his hard work over the years. He must have quite literally worked on thousands of miles of surfaces for our customers. We wish Alan a very long, happy and healthy retirement”.

Left to right – Barry Taylor, Alan Carpenter and Steve Moore
Alan is looking forward to a move back to the Forest of Dean and enjoying his seaside mobile home.